Madeleine Eve Ignon These small sculptures are lumpy, layered odes to lost ideas, phrases, and memories – geodes that capture, hold, and abstract the cartoonish gesture of crumpling up a page of a legal pad in frenzied frustration. I wanted to make that gesture solid and slow it down, to honor that feeling of not finding the right words. I made these pieces in April and May 2020, when language and communication seemed to be failing us in processing the enormity of the collective experience of the early pandemic. I see them as three-dimensional elements of my works on 2D surfaces; as in a 90's cartoon, they popped out of the bounds of the frame, broke through the tv screen, to live in real space.
Madeleine Eve Ignon (b.1987, Los Angeles) is a multimedia artist and designer currently living and working in Santa Barbara, California. She has been awarded residencies at Starry Night (Truth or Consequences, New Mexico), Vermont Studio Center (Johnston, VT), and Drop Forge & Tool (Hudson, NY), and has exhibited nationally. She graduated from Connecticut College with a BA in Art and earned her MFA from the University of California, Santa Barbara in 2019. She was the 2019–2020 College of Creative Studies Teaching Fellow at UCSB, and now lectures in the Art Departments at UCSB and CalPoly San Luis Obispo.