Kim Beck
Kim Beck has created Grand Openings at the Grand Canyon and skywriting events from New York to Missouri. Moving fluidly between media, she has shown work on billboards along I70 & in auto repair lots, in botanical gardens, on rooftops along the High Line, NYC and at the Walker Art Center, Carnegie Museum of Art, Smack Mellon, Socrates Sculpture Park, Warhol Museum, OK Center for Contemporary Art (Linz), Indianapolis Museum of Art, Art Omi, Yale School of Architecture and Hallwalls Center for Contemporary Art. She has held artist residencies at MacDowell, Yaddo, Sharpe-Walentas Studio Program, Art Omi, Bemis Center, International Studio and Curatorial Program, Montalvo Art Center and has received awards from ARS Electronica & Printed Matter. She grew up in Colorado and now lives in Pittsburgh where she teaches in the School of Art at Carnegie Mellon.